
  • Products
  • Suppliers
  • CAS NO

Buyer Instructions

- Search Product

Q: How can I search the product I need?

A: You can enter the product name, supplier name, CAS No., etc., directly in the search bar; or search the product by the its category and application.

Q: What can I do when I cannot find the product?

A: If you cannot find the product, you can click the Post Buying Request button and fill in the specific product you need, our service team can help you with the sourcing work and match the supplier(s) for you.

- Inquiries

Q: How can I send inquiries online?

A: If you have found the product, you can click 'Inquiry' button on the suppliers’ page and send the inquiry; if you cannot find the product (or do not want to search product), you can submit by Post Buying Request form directly on the homepage, we will match supplier(s) for your product.

- Contact Suppliers

Q: How can I contact with the supplier?

A: You can contact the supplier by making a phone call or you can click 'Inquiry' button on the suppliers’ page.